Hire, Tours & Lessons
Not ready to buy a board, want to try before you buy or just need an extra board for a day or two?
We hire paddle boards and are also available from various outlets in Perthshire, also available in the Lake District and Derbyshire.
Paddle board rental per day1 day £302 day £453 day £604 day £75Up to 1 week £90Paddle board will be given in its rucksack to be taken anywhere the hirer chooses, including board, pump, paddle and life jacket.
If you're looking for some pointers and tips or want to try for the first time, join us on a lesson.
Get in touch to check availability.
We hire paddle boards and are also available from various outlets in Perthshire, also available in the Lake District and Derbyshire.
Paddle board rental per day1 day £302 day £453 day £604 day £75Up to 1 week £90Paddle board will be given in its rucksack to be taken anywhere the hirer chooses, including board, pump, paddle and life jacket.
If you're looking for some pointers and tips or want to try for the first time, join us on a lesson.
Get in touch to check availability.